The Insurance Brokers Assocation of Ontario, or IBAO, recently held their bi-annual, ‘Rate Your Company’ survey. The survey was completed by member brokers in the Province of Ontario. The data has been analyzed and summarized, and they have shared the results with their members of the 2012 Rate Your Company broker survey.
Some key findings from the 2012 survey indicate:
• A significant improvement in broker perceptions of companies in channel leadership, channel support, product and service innovation, and technology and performance
• The top five ranked companies remained the same as the 2010 survey with Intact maintaining its ranking as the number one company. Dominion moved up two spots and the Economical increased its overall ranking by six spots compared to 2010. Insurance Portfolio Inc. is proud to note that all of our contracted partners, whom you can find on our “Partners” page, are all in the top 8 Insurance Companies from the view of the insurance broker, in the Province of Ontario.
January 18